Juli 27, 2009

Posted in Erleben um 7:11 am von deadra

Ich bin scheinbar wirklich der einzige Mensch in diesem Kaff, der nicht um spätestens 6 Uhr aufsteht.

Ich hasse das Landleben. Und das Landleben hasst mich.

Übrigens…das ist der 666. Post hier. Der Eintrag der Bestie. Har har har har har har…

Juli 26, 2009


Posted in Lesen um 4:19 pm von deadra

They’re trying to save a little old lady from her own possessed teacup poodle—like, possessed with an actual demon, although what the demon thinks it’s going to accomplish from inside the body of a tiny dog, Dean doesn’t know. Beyond yap and howl like a banshee all day and all night until someone finally shows up to do the thing in with a gardening trowel to the back of the head, that is; and that’s exactly what Dean’s planning on doing, trowel poised and ready, three-two-one die little doggy, when the little old lady yells, „No!“ and runs at Dean, brandishing a frying pan.

from here (mediocre slash warning, though)

Juli 23, 2009

Thursday’s Theme

Posted in Themes um 7:58 pm von deadra

This week with something extra-lovely to compensate for the lateness (and for last week’s theme):

[Soooo lovely, so distinctive. Not very surprisingly, this one was written by Thomas Newman*.]

* who should have a mantlepiece full of little naked golden guys, btw…but he doesn’t, yet…because life is cruel and unfair (or something).

Juli 22, 2009

Supernatural Part Deux

Posted in Sehen um 5:52 pm von deadra

Dean: (holding up fake ID) „I’m Agent Ford and this (points to Sam) is Agent Hamill.“

…at which point a broad Grin of Geekness very nearly splits my face in half. I’m easy that way.


Posted in Erleben um 7:45 am von deadra

Die Post hier hat mich vermutlich sehr lieb. Ich bin auf jeden Fall eine ihrer interessantesten Kundinnen im Ort. Allein im letzten Monat hab ich Pakete aus Amerika, Hongkong und England bekommen.

Aber ich glaube sie haben mich inzwischen ein bisschen zu lieb.
Heute früh um 9 hat die Briefträgerin angeläutet. Ich war (aus diversen Gründen) wach, angezogen und im Wohnzimmer, also nur wenige Schritte von der Tür entfernt. Aber bevor ich überhaupt in der Nähe der Tür bin (ich hab nicht gerufen, warum auch, bin ja eh gleich da), macht die Frau doch tatsächlich selber die Tür auf, grinst mich an, sagt: „Hallo! Ist nur ein Paket, sonst hab ich heut nix. Schönen Tag!“ Sie legt das Paket auf die Garderobe und macht die Tür hinter sich wieder zu.

Und ich steh dann noch ein paar Sekunden lang verdattert am Gang und frage mich, wo die versteckte Kamera ist.

Juli 19, 2009


Posted in Sehen um 7:03 pm von deadra

I just watched the first episode of Supernatural. (Speaking of which – abstrakt? This ought to be a show for you.)

It’s not the ghosts and demons that scare me (although they are scary***…), it’s the almost irresistible urge to play the airguitar to old AC DC tunes *shudders*

*** And wow, Sarah Shahi is pretty. Even when she’s scary. And dead. Soooo pretty.

Quick Hit

Posted in Erleben um 4:56 pm von deadra

I <3 Jay Smooth.

Thank you.
Carry on.

Juli 16, 2009

Thursday’s Theme

Posted in Erleben um 8:55 am von deadra

[This superficial mess is to conclude my short series of JJ Abrams‘ themes. It proves that even he is capable of mediocrity. I feel so much better now.]

Juli 14, 2009

Erm…no. Just no.

Posted in Sehen um 6:41 pm von deadra

I just saw a spot for RTL II (on RTL II, obviously).

Someone there figured it was a great idea to put two little girls (both pre-teens) on a bed (with their mum and a few puppies) – which isn’t a bad thing in and of itself. It’s cute and fun and everything. Yeah, why not. Likeable, family friendly, etc.

My problem with it? The music, or rather, the lyrics:

„Let’s have some fun
this beat is sick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick.
( ~ Lady Gaga ~)

Just allow me to repeat this for emphasis: Two little girls on a bed.

There are times when I get the strong urge to bang my head against the wall just to make the stupid stop. (At least I hope and pray this is merely an acute case of The Stupid.)

Juli 12, 2009


Posted in Sehen um 8:06 pm von deadra

Dead Ringers did Torchwood (pr.obably just to tide me over ^^).
„We’re Torchwood. These are my shiny teeth“

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