Februar 28, 2009

Maybe I DO watch too much TV…

Posted in Sehen um 10:31 pm von deadra

Comedian guy on TV: (doing the Darth Vader breathing thingy) Luke, I am your father.

Me, at home: (throwing up my arms) Nooooooooooo!

Other comedian guy on TV: (motioning to his colleague and pulling one hand inside his sleeve) Hang on, hang on…we’re going to do this properly. Okay – now say it again!

First comedian guy on TV: (again with the Darth Vader-ish wheeze) Luke, I am your father.

Other comedian guy on TV: (throwing up his arms) Nooooooooooo!


Posted in Erleben um 7:03 pm von deadra

1.I left at least half my hair at the hairdresser’s yesterday. Rapunzel no more  ^_^

2. I bought a new laptop. It’s supposed to arrive on Monday and I can hardly wait.

3. I’ll be meeting my first Latin-tutee next week. Gröbi would be so proud (once he was done laughing).